#Guys Only: Why She May Get Away With A False Rape Allegation Against You

Article here.  Excerpt:

'Rape has become a common occurrence in the world with with as much as 250,000 reported cases of rape and attempted rape every year according to a United Nations statistical report compiled by the governments of about 65 different countries.

However, there is a level of flaw given that certain countries only reported male to female rape and the fact that there is an increasing number of falsified rape claims being reported. This has become a serious threat to the male folk given the fact that the society tends to pass judgement on an “alleged” offender before getting to the crux of the matter.

For these reasons, we believe every man should be aware of false rape allegations and how they can do them harm while also learning the ways in which compromising situations that may lead to you being accused can be avoided.
Whether we like to admit it or not, rape in itself is subjective. Previously, everyone saw rape as a situation in which a man forcefully has sex with a non consenting woman but this has changed overtime. Nowadays, the meaning of rape is quite different from what we know as even a weak yes can be termed as a no. Added with the fact that feminists are making as much attempts as possible to ensure that the meaning of consent can be manipulated and open to interpretation as possible. A “No” these days could mean a woman saying “Any discomfort I feel from the previous night means I’m feeling a No.”
It is necessary to bear in mind that data and statistics released as regards false accusations on rape are wholly unreliable and cannot be trusted. This is mainly because rape cases have been politicized with government enacting laws protecting the accuser (mainly females) why doing nothing if the accusation is found out to be false. More so, even when it is discovered that the accusations are false, law enforcement agencies simply send both parties home with a little more than a slap on the wrist for the accuser.

Recently however, several studies are being conducted on the frequency of rape accusations that were falsely made. An analysis conducted by Rumney puts false rape claims at about 10-50% of all rape allegations made. Also, Kanin’s research using a more reliable methodology puts false claims at about 40% of the total cases reported.'

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