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"How men’s rights groups are distorting the debate about equality"
Article here. Excerpt:
'It’s difficult to deny this simple observation, if only because it is the empirical, statistical, plain-to-see truth. But a small and vocal minority do insist upon it.
In Canada, this group has a name: the deceptively huggable-sounding Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE). But their agenda is less pro-equality than pro-redressing what they see as a gender imbalance in the current debate about equality, namely the obvious: That women are more often the victims of sexism and abuse.
In CAFE’s topsy-turvy world view, men are the unsung victims while women are the covert oppressors. Their message is not about equality so much as it is a grandly deluded turning of the tables. And while their carefully written mandate claims to support “the status, health and well-being of boys and men,” in fact their actions do the opposite – by stoking anger and self-pity in the minds of a small and troubled minority. And that anger and self-pity – guess what it leads to? More hating on women. Which is exactly what we don’t need when it comes to the fight for equality.
We know this stuff. Ask any cop or social worker and they will tell you the same thing: Female-perpetrated spousal and sexual abuse is relatively rare. As a result, it’s far from top of the list of Canada’s social problems (though obviously when it does happen it should be taken as seriously as any other form of domestic abuse).
Violence against women, on the other hand? A quick glance at the latest crime statistics will show you it is sadly endemic in our society.'
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