Tanzania: NIMR campaigns for male child circumcision

Link here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision of male newborns will be included in the current national health system in a bid to fight HIV/Aids transmission, a National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) official, Dr Edward Maswanya said.

Dr Maswanya who is NIMR researcher was addressing a workshop on Gender Assessment: National HIV epidemic and response in Tanzania Mainland Thursday.

He said at the workshop hosted by the Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS, research findings reveal that circumcision prevents HIV/Aids transmissions by 60 percent.

According to Dr Maswanya the exercise has proved successful in Iringa Region. “After Iringa, NIMR will create a national strategic plan to include newborns’ circumcision in the current national health system.”

Also the national strategic plan will be stating that parents should ensure that their sons are circumcised before the age of 14 in case they fail to undergo the exercise at very early age.
For her part, the TACAIDS Executive Chairman Dr Fatma Mrisho said stakeholders were discussing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) issues because they were greatly contributing to HIV/Aids prevalence.

She said her commission was planning to include GBV fight in the coming five-year HIV/Aids prevention strategy to be launched before June this year.
For her part, Shamila Guttali from Kinondoni Police Gender Desk called for the community to collaborate in ending GBV.'

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"For her part, the TACAIDS Executive Chairman Dr Fatma Mrisho said stakeholders were discussing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) issues because they were greatly contributing to HIV/Aids prevalence."

Isn't forcing circumcision on male minors a form of gender-based violence? It seems to me that "Dr." Mrisho is not in a very good position to be discussing this topic, seeing that she advocated the very thing she claims to be against.

God. . . how do these people's heads not explode from all the cognitive dissonance?

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