The other side of the campus sexual assault equation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recent documentary (I use the term liberally) called the "Hunting Ground" purports to be a "startling expose of sexual assault on U.S. campuses, institutional cover-ups and the brutal social toll on victims and their families."

But the film, with the help of depressing and dramatic music, exposes only a one-sided view of the issue designed to tug at the heartstrings and make all sexual assault accusations look credible when not all are.

The center of the film revolves around the accusation by Erica Kinsman that Florida State University quarterback Jameis Winston raped her in 2012 and that the school covered it up. Stuart Taylor, co-author of the book about the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax, wrote a detailed article for Real Clear Sports about the evidence that at the very least casts doubt on Kinsman's story.
The ability for schools to adjudicate sexual assault just as they would plagiarism comes from an interpretation of Title IX, which requires students be treated equally regardless of gender. It was originally used to ensure women had access to sports on campus.

"Title IX is not just for women. Title IX applies to all students in this country, and all students should be protected equally," Allison argues.

"You don't forfeit your rights to constitutional protection when you pay your tuition or when you get a dorm room assignment or when you join a fraternity or a sorority," she added. "You have constitutional protections throughout your life if you are a U.S. citizen — particularly if you are a U.S. citizen."'

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