"A plan to curb sexual violence on campuses"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Columnist George Will wrote about the “supposed campus epidemic of rape,” accusing schools of making “victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges,” while others chimed in to claim sexual violence on campus is a “false epidemic” and accused survivors of fabricating their assaults.

Rape is the most underreported crime in America, not a crime in which we see rampant false reporting or embellishment. An attack of this nature is often the most personally painful moment in a victim’s life. What’s truly harmful is not the voices of survivors coming out of the shadows — but rather disparaging rhetoric that makes reporting even more difficult. We can’t let that rhetoric distract from our work to combat these crimes.'

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At the moment are running 100% in favor of sanity, thankfully. I doubt the sponsors/proponents of the bill will see them, though.

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