Please tell Congress to Save the CDC Prostate Cancer Program

President Obama's fiscal year 2016 budget eliminates all funding for the Centers for Disease Control prostate cancer program. Congress has the power to protect the CDC Prostate Cancer program. We ask for your advocacy to protect this life saving program.

Letters, e-mails are effective ways to tell your representative that funding for Prostate Cancer programs matters to you.

Please go to

There you will find a sample letter, which you are welcome to copy. Representatives hear from very few prostate cancer survivors and family members so your letter will be surprisingly powerful.

The national men's cancer survivor support and advocacy nonprofit organization, Malecare, protests against the proposed elimination of funding for prostate cancer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in America. Almost 30,000 American men die from prostate cancer every year.  And, twice as many African American men die from prostate cancer as do white men. Incredibly, the 2016 President's Budget request would eliminate prostate cancer funding at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The FY 2016 budget request eliminates the entire $13,200,000 budget for prostate cancer activities. While the evidence on prostate cancer screening remains unclear, CDC has conducted extensive research on and developed materials to help doctors and other health providers better communicate with their patients about informed decision making related to prostate cancer screening and treatment. The proposed elimination will not impact CDC's ability to collect data on national prostate cancer incidence through the National Program of Cancer Registries, nor hinder the ability to share resources and lessons learned.

Please go to Malecare CDC Advocacy now.

Email any questions to:

Darryl Mitteldorf, LCSW
Executive Director
Men fighting cancer, together.

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I've taken to my Male Positive Media Twitter account to push forward on this one. This is an outrage. Barbara Mikulski is on the Senate Appropriations Committee and pushed for the Office of Women's Health in 1990 - this isn't fair that she disregards men's health in this fashion.

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that men's and women's main killer cancers (prostrate and breast respectively) attack/kill both groups in almost identical numbers. however, most all the research already goes to women's cancer research. this bill will just send the rest of it to the women's cancer research fund.

then we have the really smart men wearing pink at football games to get even more $$ for women's cancer. again, none for men. how many other groups of men are wearing pink to help women get even more funding for themselves and none for men? I saw some racers wearing it the other day. bb players. gosh, could so called amerikan men perhaps bend over a little farther for feminism?

anybody need more evidence that our little mangina prez hates American men?

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