CU-Boulder paying 'John Doe' $15K to settle Title IX lawsuit stemming from sexual assault case

Story here. Excerpt:

'The University of Colorado has agreed to pay a suspended male student $15,000 and will not disclose without a waiver the details of his disciplinary record — which includes convictions under the campus judicial process in a 2013 sexual assault case.

The agreement was made with the CU junior known only as "John Doe," as he identified himself — with a judge's permission — when he sued the university last year under Title IX, the federal gender-equity law.

The university will not reveal his identity to the public and agreed to provide John Doe with a positive reference.

John Doe agreed to withdraw from the university.

"In response to any question about whether Mr. Doe would be welcome back to the university, the university will respond in the affirmative," CU officials write in the settlement agreement. "In response to any question about Mr. Doe's academic standing at the university during his tenure there, the university will respond, 'Prior to his withdrawal, Mr. Doe was a student in good academic standing.'"'

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$15k for defamation and libel on this scale? Pinky injuries get more.

Anyone pulled this on me, I'd go to court, splash it all over the news, and take nothing less than 7 figures.

But that's just me. :)

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I'm no so sure this is as bad as it appears.

Despite my aversion to how feminists are abusing Title9 (eventually, a university will stand up to the dept. of ed. and call their bluff on its over reach), there will be some cases where there was inappropriate action on the part of the man.

Just statistics alone: in the subset of men filing suits, there is bound to be a sub-sub-set where the man went too far.

And this may be one of them.

It may be that the university was at fault on just a technicality.

This case was handled by Miltenberg in NY. And he is a strong supporter of the men and he has deep pockets. So for him to advise acceptance of such a low amount and acquiescence to listing two student conduct violations, means that there was probably something else going on.

So all in all, I chalk this one up to also be a win -- a small one, but a win -- in the battle against the title9 feminazis.

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