Men's rights movement: why it is so controversial?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The men's rights movement, a loose coalition of activists who largely gather online, is growing in size and support.

They advocate fathers' rights and speak out for male victims of abuse and domestic violence – so why have they been branded a "toxic" hate movement?
Men's rights activists (MRAs) argue that society is inherently "sexist" towards men and that they face daily discrimination from the government, the media and the justice system. They fight against custody laws they say overwhelmingly favour women, false rape allegations, violence against men, conscription and disproportionate male prison sentences.

"When women are underrepresented as CEOs of companies that is deemed discrimination," David Benatar, head of philosophy at the University of Cape Town told the BBC. "But when boys are falling behind at school, when 90 per cent of people in prison are male, there's never any thought given to whether men are discriminated against."'

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