Biden, again

Article here. If he weren't VAWA Joe giving lip service to feminism left and right, does anyone suppose Mr. Nuzzly-Paws would get a pass from feminist critics? One certainly need not be a feminist to find such behavior from one of our elected officials objectionable, on top of his apparent inability to avoid offending any number of people because of their ethnicity. But this isn't Biden's first time he's pawed up some woman in front of a camera, apparently believing being VPOTUS gives him license. Grow up, Joe. Excerpt:

'As Carter began speaking in the Roosevelt Room, Biden beckoned Stephanie Carter from across the room, then put both hands on her shoulders as her husband thanked Biden for presiding over the ceremony. Biden's hands lingered for roughly 20 seconds until he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

What, pray tell, was the vice president confiding in Carter's wife? It's anybody's guess, but within seconds Carter reached back and put his own hand on his wife's shoulder as he thanked his "perfect wife Stephanie" for her support along his professional path.

Both incidents sparked prompt and voluminous reactions on social media, as viewers who caught the events on TV or heard about them later pondered: Just what was Biden thinking?

No stranger to improvisation, Biden over decades has built a brand on his tendency to speak his mind, endearing him to those who crave authenticity from political leaders. Biden's supporters brush off his more jarring moments as "just Biden being Biden."

Biden, who has run for president twice before, has said he's considering running again in 2016.'

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