KC Johnson to give presentation on campus sexual assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'KC Johnson [link added], co-author of Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustice of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case, will give a presentation titled “Abandoning Due Process: Campus Sexual Assault and Presumptions of Guilt” on Monday.

Johnson’s presentation, which is part of the George Washington Forum, will likely center around his core view that those accused of sexual assault on college campuses are not given the same rights of due process as those accused of other crimes.

It’s our understanding that Johnson, also a history professor at Brooklyn College and the City University of New York Graduate Center, thinks many are too quick in rushing to the judgment that those who are accused of sexual assault are guilty, such as members of the Duke lacrosse team who were accused in 2006 of raping a stripper at a house party. Those accusations, which were later proven to be false, led to the resignation of the team’s head coach and the cancellation or forfeiture of each of the team’s games during the 2006 season.'

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