Trading the Megaphone for the Gavel in Title IX Enforcement
Article here. Excerpt:
'When feminist advocates on campus sexual assault “speak truth to power,” they speak for (and often as) victims and survivors. In that position, it’s perfectly fair for them to pick and choose the constituencies to which they give voice. They can and should specialize. But as feminists issue a series of commands from within the federal government about what the problem of campus sexual violence is and how it must be handled, and as they build new institutions that give life to those commands, they become part of governmental power. Now that they have the power to adjudicate cases and determine sanctions, they are facing the full range of cases. For those feminists — and I would argue they should include, by now, the advocacy branch — the days of specialization should be over. It is time to govern. The current moment is a classic opportunity to observe how advocates turn their rhetorical tools and social-movement protest into institutional government.
One of the most dangerous effects of the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) campaign to force institutions of higher education to take sexual harassment and sexual assault on campus more seriously is the idea — vividly manifested in the institutional reforms adopted at Harvard University last summer — that a single-purpose Title IX office, specializing exclusively in sexual and gender-based harassment, is the right institutional response. Title IX, after all, is dedicated solely to sex discrimination; the Harvard Title IX Office, dedicated exclusively to enforcing the University’s new rules on sexual and gender-based harassment, has no mandate to ensure racial equality. Case after Harvard case that has come to my attention, including several in which I have played some advocacy or adjudication role, has involved black male respondents, but the institution cannot “know” this because it has not been thought important enough to monitor for racial bias.'
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Ideologues with gavels = trouble
Whenever ideologues get gavels, it's big trouble for everyone. The Nazis had gavels. Religious institutions at some point in their history usually get their hands on gavels. Racial ideologues have held gavels on more than one occasion, yes?
Campus kangaroo pseudo-courts are not gavels. But to someone facing years of scarlet-letteredness and college debt much harder now to repay w/out a diploma, well, it may as well be as much, esp. if he isn't guilty of anything but being male. Feminist ideologues consider that a crime in itself.
If the author holds out hope that with their sudden new surge of institutionalized power, campus feminists will magically become a bunch of Queen Solomons, then she is hoping beyond hope. 'Tain't happenin'.