Women’s College Exempts Itself From Sex Assault Lessons
Story here. Excerpt:
'Barnard College, the all-women companion school to Columbia University, has announced that its students will be exempted from mandatory sexual assault education at the school on the grounds that its female student body “[doesn't] need it as much as much as Columbia students do.”
“It seemed premature to require something that took a hold on registration or a hold on a diploma, because we didn’t feel we had enough information,” Zavadil told a meeting of Columbia’s student government.
This non-involvement comes despite the fact that Barnard students have helped to craft Columbia’s new sexual assault policies. In addition, Barnard is under a federal investigation for potential Title IX violations based on the mishandling of sexual assault, so it is hardly exempt from any problems pertaining to sexual assault at Columbia. Its decision to opt out is unlikely to quiet critics who worry that campus crusades against sexual assault are simply turning into the vilification of men.'
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