Columbia/Sulkowicz timeline
Article here. Excerpt:
'Mattress-toting, alleged rape victim and performance artist Emma Sulkowicz is a feminist icon because progressive pundits have treated her rape accusation against Paul Nungesser as tantamount to a conviction. Daniel Garisto, former editorial page editor of the Columbia Spectator (the Spectator is one of Sulkowicz's biggest cheerleaders), has now admitted that the campus news media didn't cover Sulkowicz's story impartially, critically, or thoroughly: "Personally, I felt that if I covered the existence of a different perspective—say, that due process should be respected—not only would I have been excoriated, but many would have said that I was harming survivors and the fight against sexual assault," he wrote. ... Yesterday, the New York Post said Mr. Nungesser deserves an apology "from the media and the cabal of feminists ... who have supported his accuser unquestioningly."
Does Sulkowicz's story add up? Is she a rape victim? Or a woman who manufactured victimhood with a story that's a moving target? Consider the following timeline of pertinent events:'
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