For families choosing not to circumcise, a sea change
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sue Bojdak, Temple Sinai’s director of education, said she sometimes needs to quell the concerns of new parents about whether their noncircumcised sons will feel welcome. “It’s nice to be able to tell these parents, we not only welcome you but we welcome you openly,” Bojdak said.
But why would parents call attention to a boy’s circumcision status? Isn’t that a private matter? Well, yes — but that doesn’t mean they should need to be secretive or apologetic about their choice. For example, noncircumcising parents may feel some trepidation about diaper changes or toilet supervision in Jewish preschool. Some may decide to forgo Jewish programming and affiliation instead of having to explain themselves.
“Families shouldn’t feel they have to hide, or take the don’t-ask-don’t-tell route,” said Anat Shenker, the mother of two sons who are not circumcised. “It’s not nice to feel like you’ve done something wrong or cagey — like you’re trying to pull a fast one.”
Shenker added, “Circumcision is the last holdout in terms of [synagogues’] walking the diversity talk.” She said she and her husband joined Temple Sinai largely because of its unreserved welcome of her family.
Billie Mandel, a newcomer to Temple Sinai, also appreciates the inclusive attitude there. “It has been a comfort and a relief for me and my family to feel welcomed at Temple Sinai,” she said, “because of, and not in spite of, our alternative choices — including the decision not to circumcise our little son.”'
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