Women’s only hours at the rec center is a discriminatory policy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Necessary seems like a strong word doesn’t it? Some people might not consider the “women’s only hours” at our university rec center discrimination, but is there a better word to use for denying service to a certain group of people based on their sex? This kind of blatant sexism demonizes masculinity while further marginalizing women. All students pay the same rec center price (through tuition), but are receiving a different level of service because of this policy.

“People are different in many brilliant ways. If we strive to make everything as fair as possible, we forget the fundamental lesson that life is not fair.” wrote Jessica Foster in her most recent opinion piece where she praises the gender segregation encouraged by this policy. Of course, her statement seems silly. “Women’s only hours” should be justified by more than just a “life isn’t fair”argument, right? I just watched Selma, a fantastic film about Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement. Imagine someone trying to tell the civil rights activists that the racial inequalities our nation faced were actually appropriate because they reminded us of “the fundamental lesson that life is not fair.”

I recently had the chance to sit down with the rec center staff and the people who design the operating policies for the facility to discuss the history and reasons behind the “women’s only” policies. Of course, the reasoning and intentions are not malicious by any means. The policy is a solution to a set of problems regarding women feeling uncomfortable or intimidated while working out and specific religious constraints that don’t allow women to workout or swim with males around. I’m not dismissing these issues, but I wonder if the solution our university has chosen is appropriate. Isn’t abolishing gender role expectations and stereotypes part of what third wave feminism is all about? As a university community, don’t we have a responsibility to ensure that our policies promote gender equality instead of furthering the divide?'

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How can anyone be serious using religion as an excuse to discriminate in favour of women? Religions which don't allow women to swim and work out with males around, also require that men not work out or swim with females around. What are men of these same religions supposed to do? Thus, anyone using religion to justify women only hours is blowing smoke.

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