Another feminist physically assaults a man

YouTube video here. Description:

'Feminist PHYSICALLY assaults a man while chanting "sexual assault is not ok" after raiding and stopping a men's event on dating and pickup'

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Imagine the rough equivalent: A class of some kind is held instructing women on ways to "seduce" (let's say, "approach") men who may otherwise not be accessible to them: say, rich guys, or famous guys, or both. Or maybe it's a class on how to "land" a man for marriage, given these days it's increasingly harder for women to convince men to say "I do," what with misandrist courts, child support, etc.

Now imagine a big crowd of men appears outside the venue and starts chanting "sexual assault is not OK!" and one of the men slaps one of the women seeking to attend said event.

Jail time for that guy, assuming he didn't get beaten to death by some part of the crowd: male, female, or a mix.

Wonder what, if anything, happened to The Mad Slapper in this case?

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