UK: Feminist Comedian Kate Smurthwaite Forced To Cancel Uni Show - Because Student Feminists Didn't Like Her Feminism
Article here. Excerpt:
'A comedian who was due to perform at a London university and had offered free tickets to student feminists has had her gig pulled, because students feminists said they didn't like her feminism.
Kate Smurthwaite had been intending to talk to Goldsmith University's student comedy society about, ironically, free speech, and a Saudi prisoner of conscience who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
But Smurthwaite was informed her gig had been cancelled over security issues, as students had threatened to picket the event.
"The picket line appears to have been threatened on the grounds of my views on prostitution. But later when I asked for an explanation of why the gig had been pulled I was told I was Islamophobic because of remarks I made several years ago against compulsory veiling (which they had misinterpreted to conclude I was against anyone wearing a burqa).
"In a massively ironic coincidence my show is about free speech, it’s power and uses and abuses," Smurthwaite added.'
The feminist society, meanwhile, has denied claims it organised a picket, and was responsible for the cancellation of the show.'
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"You know you're losing when you start shooting your own men"
That was a line from a WWII movie I once saw, maybe it was "The Downfall". Anyway, the principle holds for any cause. Just as the Soviets were shooting each other at the start of "Stalingrad" and only stopped when they got a handle on how to fight the Germans via sniping, campus feminists are sensing the growing impatience with them as they allow the craziest among them to lead them further down the path of nutsery. So now they're starting to form circular firing squads.
Either that, or their purging their ranks like the SA did before Hitler chose the SS over them to be the vanguard of political view enforcement. And we all know what eventually happened to the Nazis, thankfully.