"Men Should Avoid Progressive Women For Their Own Safety"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In that spirit, I’m also taking every precaution to protect people I care about from the constant danger posed by Differently-Gendered Americans. So I’ve sent out to my young male friends a similar mandate: avoid progressive women for your own safety. Seriously. The risks are real.
The facts don’t seem to matter anymore. If anyone questions an accuser’s credibility, the media accuses them of “victim-blaming.” As said feminist writer Amanda Marcotte, “Rape is really, really common. I think understanding that is why I believe rape victims. They’re usually telling the truth.”

Feminists, in coordination with their allies in the media, have discovered a powerful weapon, and they’re guarding it with blind, fervent activist group-think. In a post-Sandra Fluke age of overnight social media stars and victimization-as-currency, any college girl with an ax to grind can be guaranteed immediate national celebrity so long as she accuses the right kind of men — be they fraternity brothers or campus Republicans. She’ll be shielded from any personal criticism of her background or her motives, and if her story comes apart the folks promoting her lies will still go on to political prominence and MSNBC split-screens. It’s an entire industry.
Someday, all the young women of America will wear hoods over their faces — hijabs if you will — so men can’t even look at them and so they, too, can’t see anything except occasional shapes and light objects. Until that day comes, we need to stay the Hell away from each other.

Take it from me in high school, men of America: the less females you interact with, the more episodes of “The Outer Limits” you can watch back-to-back in one sitting. As you embark on this journey, I salute you. Pat yourselves on the back, lonely men. Or, rather… Give yourselves a hand.'

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