Super Bowl ads generate criticisms from anti-misandrists

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a mother of a son, who is a 100% all-boy alpha male that I have been delighted to raise as such, I was appalled by the crass anti-maleness of the statement. Let’s play a game of substitution, shall we?

Pan right, and have Silverman’s character whisper, “I’m sorry, it’s a girl.”

The blow-back from NOW and all the other elite feminist groups would have been of Category 5 Hurricane proportions, with the T-Mobile executives dutifully making the rounds to all the talk shows on their apology tour. After a vitriolic social media campaign in which the participants would be likened to Boko Haram rapists, the company would have been compelled to donate millions to girls’ educational programs and the feminist organizations leading the charge. Finally, the feminist activists would not have been satisfied until all parties involved in that commercial were brought to tears, like Dr. Matt Taylor (the comet scientist in the iconic shirt).

But, insult our boys (and half the future market for T-Mobile products) and what do we hear?
Leaders of feminist groups behave as if they speak for all women. Well, today, I am usurping the “All Women” Speaker’s role, and I formally apologize, #LikeAGirl, to all Super Bowl fans who were subjected to these vapid excuses for female empowerment.

Personally, I will never buy T-Mobile or Always products again. In fact, I assert that one of the animals featured in the Sprint commercial (my favorite), is probably the creative genius behind both these pieces….I am sure my Legal Insurrection friends will readily guess which one, too!

Another helpful hint that I will offer, free of charge, to next year’s Super Bowl ad creators: You do not build up one client base by tearing down another. That’s a plan that is full of fail.'

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