NPO: Next Step: Force Public Hearings
Article here. Excerpt:
'We have been informed by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement that they have been inundated with far more comments on child support guidelines than they ever expected. This is evidence that as a movement, we are stepping up the pressure more than ever, making our voices heard more broadly and more effectively. Each of you who took the trouble to submit our child-support comments deserves a pat on the back. There is power in numbers, and when we pull together with unity, we can move mountains.
Remember that our latest push is to force the OCSE to hold public hearings on child support guidelines in each of the federal regions around the country. This will be your chance to tell them directly what you think of the guidelines.
If you have not already done so, please copy and paste the following brief message and send it to: barbara.addison@acf.hhs.gov
Copy The Following
Dear Ms. Addison:
Please convey the following request to the Commissioner and to the Director, Policy Division: I request that the OCSE hold public hearings on its proposed rulemaking in each of the federal regions with adequate notice to the public. If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact Ned Holstein, Acting Executive Director, National Parents Organization at parents@nationalparentsorganization.org
Your Name
City and State
Stop Copying Here
Many thanks.'
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