Male students suing under Title IX 'worrisome' for Boulder lawyers
Story here. Turns out the lawyers who sue on behalf of women don't like it much when men do the same thing. Excerpt:
'Boulder attorneys who represent victims of gender violence say they feel the recent string of male students suing under Title IX, the federal gender equity law, are distracting from decades of discrimination against women.
A number of schools, including the University of Colorado, are facing lawsuits from male students under Title IX, a law that has historically been used to protect the rights of women.
"John Doe," who is described in court documents as a CU junior, claims he was discriminated against when he was wrongfully accused and suspended for three semesters after a night of consensual sex.
"CU-Boulder has created an environment where an accused male student is fundamentally denied due process by being prosecuted through the conduct process under a presumption of guilt," according to the lawsuit. "Such a one-sided process deprived John Doe, as a male student, of educational opportunities at CU-Boulder on the basis of his sex."
Clune and Kerr said it's definitely possible that some of the male students' claims are valid and that they were discriminated against on the basis of sex. The two attorneys say they want to get to a place where all students, male and female, are treated the same.
But at the same time, the attorneys said they worry that these new lawsuits are drawing attention away from the more pervasive issue on college campuses and in society: discrimination against women.
"There can be meritorious claims," Kerr said. "A charged student can be treated unfairly, not given a fair hearing and that can have huge consequences that can follow that student for the rest of his life. They're not to be lightly dismissed, but it's worrisome."'
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Can you imagine...
... a lawyer saying that a female student had claims like these that may well be valid but that still, for her to press them in court was 'worrisome' for any reason? No, neither can I. It'd never happen, nor should it. So why's it happening here? MRAs know all to well the answer.