"Girls Outperform Boys Academically Around the Globe, Study Says"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Girls tend to get better grades in reading, math and science than boys, according to a new study that challenges the widely held belief that boys do better in these subjects than girls.

"Even in countries where women's liberties are severely restricted, we found that girls are outperforming boys in reading, mathematics and science literacy by age 15, regardless of political, economic, social or gender equality issues and policies found in those countries," study author David Geary, professor of psychological sciences at the University of Missouri, said in a university news release.

The researchers analyzed the grades of 1.5 million 15-year-old students around the world between 2000 and 2010.
"The data will influence how policymakers think about the options available," Geary said.

"For example, to increase levels of equal opportunities in education. We believe that policymakers and educators should not expect that broad progress in social equality will necessarily result in educational equality. In fact, we found that with the exception of high achievers, boys have poorer educational outcomes than girls around the world, independent of social equality indicators," he said.'

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Articles like this are slightly dangerous because they lose focus.

The under performing boys should not be the issue at all.

For boys always under perform until about the age of 15.

After that, they blast off.

Especially in math.

And a second issue is that the math they are assessing in this article and in most countries is not math: it is arithmetic -- the machinery of math, not its "concepts."

The real math sets in about two years later and that is when boys blast off doubly so: focus, visualization and abstraction.

One must greet these articles with caution. For if the consequences is to make sure the under-15 year old boys do better, the only way is to "distill" the subjects. And when that happens, NO ONE will do well.

As a corollary, one must also be cautious about misinterpreting this data (and this is where the real evil lies). A feminist would say: "girls always do better and that is why we know colleges are sexist. That is why men have had all the achievements... because women were oppressed. They HAD to have been oppressed because we know they are better in school."

Do you see the danger here? It justifies an argument that there must be sexism because girls are better in the lower grades. It ignores the slower development (sometimes, much more healthier) of boys as the reason for male natural achievement.

No there is no patriarchy: there is an oligarchy (of a few men and a few women) but feminists blame blue collar men for this.

I have always wondered what would the world be like if we DID educate all the boys so that they could all aspire to the potential of the male brain. Why, there might not be wars... we might have a clean air, and good health. But feminists would not want that, for that would be the end of their arguments.

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In fact, I would suggest the following...

Before, say, 1980, the education system was not necessarily and pedagogically designed for boys. Rather, it was only boys who were allowed. I admit this was wrong. But that is the way the oligarchy set it up. (In my case, I was raised on Foodstamps in the Bronx, and there were programs for me. I was lucky. MOST boys were not.)

However, once girls were admitted in great numbers, they changed the education system (they lied: they claimed nonsense that teachers call on boys, more), and they focused it on girls.

NOW that we are enabling more to attend college, we are poised for a reversal. And this calls me out to think: perhaps the focus of the MRA should NOT be to RESPOND to feminism, but to proactively seek out the time to finally address the needs of boys. We should be saying that this has never been done (we never had a patriarchy: we had an oligarchy). And now it is time to help the boys. THAT, I wonder, might be better strategy. I do not know.

I am curious to hear other opinions.

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