Maryland considers affirmative consent bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an effort to prevent rape on college campuses, Maryland state lawmakers are considering an affirmative consent bill.

The legislation would require colleges to develop a policy in which students mutually agree to sex in advance.

"Yes means yes" legislation requires Maryland colleges and universities to come up with a policy that defines how students engage in sexual activities.

"The basic idea is that no one is taken advantage of," said Delegate Frank Conaway, D-Baltimore City.

Affirmative consent is aimed at changing the culture of "no means no." Right now, sexual consent is widely defined as the absence of "no." Some female college students believe that, if passed, the law will go a long way toward reducing campus sexual assaults and rapes.

"You never know if someone is going to put something in your drink, which happens often. People don't learn about it because they are too scared to admit they were in the wrong," said college student Sarah Knoll.

California adopted a "yes means yes" law, and New York recently introduced a similar measure in its General Assembly.'

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'"You never know if someone is going to put something in your drink, which happens often. People don't learn about it because they are too scared to admit they were in the wrong," said college student Sarah Knoll.'

What happens much more often is articles like these quote people who appear to be delusional.

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