UK: Men must prove a woman said 'Yes' under tough new rape rules
Story here. Basically, all sex is rape unless the man can prove otherwise. The man is guilty until proven innocent. Forget the long history of rights in English law, starting with Magna Carta. Who needs Magna Carta when you've got feminism? Excerpt:
'Men accused of date rape will need to convince police that a woman consented to sex as part of a major change in the way sex offences are investigated.
The Director of Public Prosecutions said it was time for the legal system to move beyond the concept of “no means no” to recognise situations where women may have been unable to give consent.
Alison Saunders said rape victims should no longer be “blamed” by society if they are too drunk to consent to sex, or if they simply freeze and say nothing because they are terrified of their attacker.
Instead, police and prosecutors must now put a greater onus on rape suspects to demonstrate how the complainant had consented “with full capacity and freedom to do so”.
The new guidance also covers domestic violence situations and those where “the complainant may be financially or otherwise dependent on their alleged rapist”.'
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