Exposing Feminism’s Patriarchy Myth on Campus
Article here. Excerpt:
'Arthur Chu wrote a wandering epithet over at Salon on “bitter nerd” Scott Aaronson’s rant against feminism. Aaronson’s complaints as detailed in Chu’s piece are far from new. As a graduate teaching assistant I had many male students (rather nerdy types) walk out of film theory classes declaring they were “horrible people” and “secret rapists” because they were born male. In the wake of the campus rape lies of 2014, who can blame these guys for believing feminism is conducting its own War Against Men:
"This is not a debate about gender roles. It is not about economics or the esoterica of hateful radicals in an ivory tower. This is a war, an ideological campaign to smear all men as moral monsters. It is not a war against “patriarchy” or some imagined evil rich guy. This is a war on men as such – of all races and social classes. It is a war against your brothers, sons, fathers, friends and relatives. And right now, the bad guys and girls are winning."
Would it? The reality is that abstinence has become the only 100% guaranteed way to avoid being falsely accused of sexual assault. That reality check highlights the long-forgotten intrinsic value of abstinence culture. The moralists who promoted that antiquated agenda understood that the allure of sexuality and the power of sex needed to be contextualized through marriage so societal order could be maintained. When society rejected marriage culture, it implicitly accepted the second-wave feminist alternative. Hence, every man is a rapist and every woman a victim.
Paglia argues that “rape will not be understood until we revive the old concept of the barbaric, the uncivilized.” Likewise, the problem of campus rape – that is, second-wave feminism’s grotesque predilection for falsely accusing male sex partners of assault in an attempt to soothe their own wounded pride and troubled souls – will not cease until moral order, built on a solid biological and psychological understanding of the individual and an acceptance of moral responsibility on the part of both parties, is restored.'
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If the author might be intimating...
... that this whole rape hysteria won't go away until it's sex-only-after-marriage again, he's nuts.
Maybe no sex (heterosexual, anyway) on campus among students-- or at least less, if things don't get sane again soon and the guys finally wise up to what's happening here. But before marriage, etc.? Good luck with that!
False rape fulfills this generation's victim-hood need
While I agree with some of the conceptual ideas brought forth in this article I'm wondering if it is much simpler than what has been proposed. About 25 years ago you couldn't open a newspaper or turn on a television without some woman telling the world that she was a "single mom". Society came to glorify "single moms" and it was the "in thing" to be. Albeit the price to join this exclusive club was rather high - you had to actually get pregnant and have a child. Nevertheless, many, many women did it and in doing so "proudly" threw off the shackles of their 'victimhood' and were "survivors" and actually "empowered" by it. *cough* *hack* *cough* Oh glory to be a single mom. Society praised you and put you up on a pedestal to be admired for your courage and worshiped.
Today, it seems that being a rape victim (or alleged rape victim as it usually the case) has replaced this glorified title that young women aspired to. The nice thing about it is the entry fee is much, much lower. You don't have to get pregnant and have a child to earn society's respect and admiration, you don't even have to actually have sex, just claim to have had sex, without your consent of course. What's even more interesting is this new group of attention seekers are in the right age group to be the offspring of the "single moms" of old.
Could all this "rape culture" hysteria merely be a mythical creation to satisfy young women's need to get attention and bask in society's pity and admiration? It might be too early to claim this observation as decided, but the similarities are all too familiar. If crying rape is this generations' "single mom" need for attention, then look out guys, 'cause many, many more of you are going to be crushed under the boots of the sisters need to be a victim and a "survivor".
"Rape Club"
My thoughts on rape and why it is a "desirable" club to be in....
Women are valued for their attractiveness and by "attractiveness" I mean "sexual attractiveness". Women's chastity is also valued (chastity = women's sexual behavior is within moral standards. I'm using the term in reference to how many sexual partners a woman has. A low number is more desirable compared to a high number)
When it comes to claiming "regret sex" as "rape" a woman is indicating that her attractiveness level is so high that a man was willing to force himself on her. It also does not count towards her number of partners, as she is not supposed to be responsible for the "rape". It is a win-win. She gets to inflate her attractiveness value, yet protect her chastity value.
I am a 'RAPIST" because I am a 'MAN'
This should be a new slogan on T-shirts....!