"Study: Women make better CEOs of larger companies"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new gender study released by Mintigo indicates that companies with more than 1,000 employees probably should hire a female CEO.

That's because while male CEOs achieve higher revenue per employee in companies with up to 1,000 people, in larger companies, female CEOs achieve up to 18 percent higher revenue per employee than male CEOs.

The Mintigo study looked at CEOs from companies with more than 100 employees or more than $50 million in revenue and then analyzed thousands of indicators for companies, and compared the two groups split by gender.'

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Assuming someone went looking for such evidence, would it ever see the light of day, I wonder?

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Women are five percent of all CEO's (so the pool is not that big).

And in that pool, the earnings of female CEO's exceed that of male CEO's by only eighteen percent, but only for companies with over one thousand employees.

Sure, that's enough data for a statement: quite a pool of information.

Some more data is that men are better at math, programming, engineering, movie directing, surgery, chess.

What happens when we say that in the news?

Feel free to express yourself to the author of the article (I did):


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And anyone who says otherwise is likely to lose his job.

But if women are so good at everything, why do they have to asking for directions? :)

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