No polling organization would ever be taken seriously if its sample size was 73, and neither should this ‘study’ on college rape
Article here. Excerpt:
'A “study” conducted by “researchers” at the University of North Dakota and North Dakota State University (“Denying Rape but Endorsing Forceful Intercourse: Exploring Differences Among Responders“) and published in the journal Violence and Gender claims to find that almost one in 3 college men would commit rape “if nobody would ever know and there wouldn’t be any consequences.” Oy vey, where to begin on this one?
1. Sensational Headlines. Let’s start with a quick review of the headlines of media reports on the “study” (via Katherine Timf at NRO): a) “Study: 1 in 3 Men Would Rape if They Wouldn’t Get Caught or Face Consequences” (Cosmopolitan)...
2. The “Study” Starts with a Discredited Claim About Campus Sexual Assault. Here’s the opening sentence of the paper’s introduction: “The Federal data estimate that about one in five women becomes the victim of sexual assault while in college...” ...
3. Unbelievably Small Sample Size. The biggest reason that this “study” should be completely ignored and receive no media attention is that its results and conclusions are based on a sample size of only 73 male students at one of the North Dakota universities (it’s not clear from the “study”). ...'
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