Whither the 'uncommon women' feminism promised?

In 2013, Kavita Ramdas gave a commencement speech at her undergraduate alma mater.  Her speech is largely a feminist rally, typical of the sorts of addresses given at women's colleges today.  Funny thing is, she ends it with a really good observation of what kind of women the world needs. (Not bad when applied to men, too.)  But reading it, I ask you: Do today's feminists fit her prescription?  Does the following describe Gillibrand, Clinton, McCaskill, and the other rape hysterics and wage gap mythologists of today?  To me, it doesn't.  From the concluding paragraph:

'We need women who are so strong that they can be gentle, so educated that they can be humble, so fierce that they can be compassionate, so passionate that they can be rational, and so disciplined that they can be free. We need uncommon women. ...'

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Welfare was a better deal. Along with collecting child support and alimony.

Independence for a feminist woman means forcing a man or the government to support her.

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