As Falsely Accused Man Sits in Jail, A Woman’s Rape Accusations Fall Apart on Damning Video

Story here. Excerpt:

'In the video, we see a woman’s rape allegations against her male co-worker fall apart as he sits helpless in jail. Though one case is not representative of all cases, it does raise the question of how many rape allegations are false.

A thesis by Edward Greer published in the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review examines the issue of false rape allegations and reports some of the findings. At issue is the oft-repeated claim that only 2 percent of rape allegations are false.

"As far as can be ascertained, no study has ever been published which sets forth an evidentiary basis for the “two percent false rape complaint” thesis.

Despite the difficulties in measuring wrongful accusations, there is indirect data available that is highly suggestive that far more than two percent of rape accusations are false. In a significant fraction of instances, the accusers recant their charges."

Where did the two percent number come from? According to Greer’s research, all of the scholarly papers’ citations of the statistic can all be traced back to one source: a book entitled Against Our Will by Susan Brownmiller, written in the 1970s.

"Where did she get the figure? “A mimeoed handout” in one of her files. What, then, is the real number of false rape reports? Bloomberg notes:

The number of false accusations is what statisticians call a “dark number” — that is, there is a true number, but it is unknown, and perhaps unknowable."'

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