Claire McCaskill: Statistics? We don't need no stinkin' statistics!

Article here. Excerpt:

'Who needs facts and statistics when you have a good narrative?

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., during an interview reported by Chuck Raasch of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, indicated that she was not happy about disputing statistics regarding campus sexual assault.

“Frankly, it is irritating that anybody would be distracted by which statistics are accurate,” McCaskill said.

This coming from a senator who has rallied around the one-in-five statistic and featured it in her own report about campus sexual assault. Now that new evidence suggests the incidence of campus rape is closer to one in fifty women over four years than to one in five, statistics suddenly don’t matter.
Statistics do matter when policies are being created around the belief that American college campuses are as dangerous as the Democratic Republic of Congo. That mistaken belief has led to badly thought-out, panic-induced policies that believe all accusers by default, assume the guilt of the accused and make it nearly impossible for them to mount a defense.'

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Ideologues hate facts. McCaskill is an ideologue. Her goal and that of her fellow feminists is the elimination of men in higher ed to the end of reducing us to less-than-2nd-class citizenship.

Funny thing about women like her, Gillibrand, and The HB, is their M.O. is the same: hitch up to rich men and use their money and status to obtain political office for the purpose of destroying the kind of people who have enabled their ascent. Just look at their bios, see for yourself. It's the classic "Evita" protocol. I wonder though if it's struck them that as long as they lean on using wealthy and/or powerful men's resources to facilitate getting their positions, they'll never be the kind of examples to girls and other women they often say they want to be, nor will they ever be able to obtain and wield power on their own. After all, old habits die hard. If you've been using training wheels to get you into the big race but once there, the wheels aren't allowed, how well do you think you'll do?

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dam dam them stat's!

how are feminista's ever going to win these arguments if people keep bringing up 'other, real' stat's?

'frankly, it is irritating that anybody would be distracted by which statistics are accurate', says dem. senator (mo.) mccaskill.

its irritating to me that affirmative action put ambulance chasers like this one into office. just because her 'profession' threw away truth, fairness, etc., doesn't mean the rest of us will. and yet we see another perfect example of why we need regular people in office, and as few lawyers as possible.

let me rephrase what she said, '''so we don't want any real stat's coming up to tip our feminist rice bowl'''. please, somebody get 'truth' down off that whipping post. he's barely recognizable anymore.

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Feminism is all about keeping their rice bowl full. Mostly with government rice.

It's the biggest begging ring in human history.

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