
Article here. Excerpt:

'The girl at the University of Virginia, who allegedly falsely claimed she was gang raped at a campus fraternity house, was introduced to Rolling Stone magazine by an activist from the university with connections to White House advisers, making several visits to the White House herself.

Emily Renda worked at the Eisenhower Executive Office with her associates at the White House to develop resources such as websites and documents concerning the Obama administration's sexual assault policies, The Daily Caller is reporting. 

Renda connected the alleged rape victim, "Jackie," with Rolling Stone reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely, who broke the University of Virginia story, which has since been discredited. 
Renda has also become a frequent visitor to the White House where she has assisted President Barack Obama's rape advisers to develop publications for the White House Task Force To Prevent Students From Sexual Assault.
Rolling Stone has asked the Columbia University journalism school to do a full audit of the story, promising to publish its full review once completed.'

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