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"A Feminist’s Christmas Tale: God Raped Mary"
Article here. Excerpt:
'Salon and Alternet seem to exist only to provide click-bait for kooks. Alternet certainly succeeded with their Sunday article entitled, “Why rape is so intrinsic to religion” which was also cross-posted on partner site Salon. In the article by Valerie Tarico, she tries to argue that the virgin birth of Jesus Christ was God raping Mary, similar to Greek and Hindu tales of gods raping women. “It’s a common theme in the history of religion, and it’s more than a little rapey,” Tarico claims.
“Rapey” is not exactly an adjective most would use to describe the Christmas story, but never underestimate what an Alternet writer can come up with! Tarico even manages to tie it all in to “the shocking prevalence” of rape “on college campuses and in society at large.” I guess she completely ignored the Rolling Stone apology and media blow-up, showing that one student’s account of shocking gang rape might’ve been false. Not to mention, the most recent comprehensive study from the DOJ which shows, 20 percent of college-age women are not raped on campus, more like 0.6%.'
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I'd rather be immaculately impregnated...
... than smote down by fire from on high for not being on the "right" side of a theological debate, which is what happens to men in numerous religious histories, mythological or not. Far more men have been persecuted/murdered/tortured for holding particular beliefs in human history than have women. But feminists see the world through a lens that filters out anything that conflicts with their favored narrative.
Just amazing
I'm amazed what feminists do to try to fit everything into their narrative.
As I recall the story, Mary did give affirmative consent.
I wonder what they think of the Adam and Eve story. Was Adam given a rape drug so God could extract a rib and create Eve?
Men can't be raped...
... even if by other men since crimes vs. men committed by men are examples of the oppressor oppressing other oppressors, which to the oppressed are not relevant as criminal acts. See the "thinking" involved? Once that kind of conceptual framework is in place, it's a blank check to ignore anything that happens to men that has them criminally victimized or on the end of an injustice of any kind.
God in Judeo-Xianity is assigned the male gender when making references so feminists actually consider God to have a sex. Thus to them a male inducing sleep and removing a rib from another male w/out permission is not anything for them to notice. That "woman" in the Genesis creation narrative was created from a man's rib however is, and a valid subject of criticism because of it.
Not that ppl have no right to debate the merits of theological matters; anyone can and has a right to do so. What's always telling is what some choose to focus on while ignoring other matters. When talking abt feminists, it's as predictable as the sunrise what they'll focus on and what their opinions will be. You could almost phone it in. :)
what ridiculousness.
what ridiculousness.
you have to hand it to feminists. they do have some imagination.
they complain about a god they don't believe in, raping a woman they don't think existed in order to produce a son who they don't believe is the son of the god they don't even believe in.
...by jove...! it's almost as if they had.... *gasp* ....an AGENDA!!!
if this was any other group of people other than women EVERYONE would see them for the liars and hypocrites that they truly are. what silliness!