Obama and the fiction of 'rape culture'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report, "Rape and Sexual Assault Among College-age Females, 1995-2013," should be an early Christmas present for President Obama.

On Jan. 22, 2014, Obama established a special White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault. He stated, "It is estimated that one in five women on college campuses has been sexually assaulted during their time there. ... It's totally unacceptable."

The BJS data released on Dec. 11 finds the actual rate of sexual assault for female students to be 6.1 per 1,000 per year or 0.61 percent; this is the mean for the years 1995 to 2013. The rate of general sexual assault for males was 1.4 per 1,000.
The BJS compares its methodology to that of other studies. For example, the BJS's expansive but reasonable definition includes actual, attempted and threatened rapes and sexual assaults. By contrast, "[t]he NISVS [National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey] uses a broader definition of sexual violence, which specifically mentions incidents in which the victim was unable to provide consent due to drug or alcohol use; forced to penetrate another person; or coerced to engage in sexual contact (including nonphysical pressure to engage in sex) or unwanted sexual contact (including forcible kissing, fondling, or grabbing); and noncontact unwanted sexual experiences that do not involve physical contact." [Emphasis added.]

Noncontact sexual experiences also include behaviors such as harassment or telling lewd jokes. This sort of broad and vague definition is what leads to the one-in-five figure.
The good news is unlikely to be greeted as such by Obama or "rape culture" zealots who are demanding draconian measure to combat campus rape. The new rape hearing procedures virtually destroy due process for an accused who is almost always male; for example, the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard (99 percent certainty) is replaced by a "preponderance of the evidence" standard (51 percent) in order to adjudicate guilt. The accused has no right to the presence of an attorney or to cross-examination of witnesses.

The BJS data will not be greeted because it casts doubt on the existence of rape culture — a concept that is central to gender feminist campaigns sweeping American campuses. The new procedures for campus rape hearings are so blatantly unjust to males that they must be sold as a response to a crisis; gender feminists need the rape culture to have their solution to it accepted. Nor will the data be welcomed by Democrats who need liberal and female voters to retain whatever power they have left. To them, the BJS report is bad news because it contradicts policies aimed at pleasing their voting base.'

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The purpose of lowering the standard of proof is to get more convictions.

So why have standards at all? Why not just accept the woman's story? This is pretty much where we are: a few formalities and the man is found guilty.

Feminists can't seem to understand why some find this troublesome. They don't get why a woman shouldn't be able to legally destroy a man's life simply because she wants to.

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You can't assume sincerity of stated purpose when speaking of feminists. They are misandrist ideologues who will lie, misrepresent their own intentions, and do whatever they can to reduce men in any way possible as much as they can.

Once you realize they are not out to protect women so much as they are out to destroy men, you'll see the consistency in their behavior. Justice is not what they are out to get. They have goals to meet and those include (if not are in whole) the ruination of males. It is a hate movement no less than Naziism was, period. It may have had its roots in seeking justice and equity by fixing legal faults and addressing cultural norms that unfairly limited women's opportunities, but it has become something else now, and there's no turning back. It's been highjacked by bigoted haters and it must be stopped.

Just a few of the more notable quotes by prominent modern feminists should put all doubt of this to rest: http://www.womenagainstmen.com/media/feminism-is-a-hate-group.html

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Feminists don't know how to tie a hangman's noose.

Otherwise, men on campus would be in real trouble.


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