Rape and the Attack of the “Man-hating Media”

Article here. Excerpt:

'“History is a series of agreed-upon myths,” Napoleon Bonaparte observed cynically. Now some critics are saying that, today, current events are also a series of agreed-upon myths.
This is essentially the position of Townhall’s Erick Erickson in a piece entitled “The Man Hating Media.” He points out that Jackie’s unsubstantiated accusations made the fraternity subject to mob violence, faculty-member protests, verbal abuse, and a call by the UVA president for a police investigation; moreover, those who doubted the somewhat untenable “facts” of the case were, Erickson writes, “attacked … accused of supporting rapists, denying the holocaust, and being ‘rape truthers.’” He continues:

"What is going unsaid, however, is how quickly the press was willing to believe all these things about young white men who were portrayed as conservative, privileged and in fraternities. The media, with the help of people like Sabrina Rubin Erdely [author of the Rolling Stone story], have bought into the idea of a phony "rape culture" complete with mostly fabricated statistics that 1 in 5 women on college campuses are victims of sexual assault.

… But the media believes that statistic, and it shapes the media's reporting. They want it to be true because it confirms their biases against young white men, College Republicans, fraternities, etc. A media that denounces racial profiling and stereotyping routinely stereotypes others.

… It does not matter that the rape at the University of Virginia was not real. Because "rape culture" is supposedly real and fraternity boys are silver-spooned Satans, the story has power."'

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