UK: Jeremy Hunt: Women make better leaders

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women make better leaders, the Health Secretary has said, as senior officials call for more “oestrogen to dilute the testosterone” in NHS boardrooms.

Jeremy Hunt said more women should be promoted to senior positions to help bring an end to a “macho and bullying” culture in too many parts of the NHS.

He made the comments as Dame Sally Davies, England’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO), said too many senior women became “preening queen bees” who did not help other women to get on.

Dame Sally - the country’s first female CMO - said too many successful women enjoyed being the only female in their circle so “pulled the ladder up” from beneath them.

At a London summit women in medicine, the Health Secretary suggested that the NHS should encourage more women into senior positions, because they were frequently better than men at the job.

Mr Hunt said: “There is a lot of evidence that women are often better leaders. We need to think hard about why that is.'

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Indeed. Every man in any leadership position who states that women make better leaders than men are out of integrity to state so and not immediately resign with the urgent recommendation to their boss(es) that they be replaced by a woman. In fact, heck, I say Twitter-campaign such men. Tweet them to the effect that if they do actually think it, walk the talk and turn in your resignation ASAP.

That'd shut these pandering idiots up fast enough.

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I read an article not long ago about how female m.d.s in G.B. (and elsewhere) have a very short professional life due to their desire to quit after a few years to start a family. no problem there, if that's what they want to do. the rub comes to society as a whole, in the fact that there are only so many slots in medical school. when a goodly proportion of graduates leave the profession very early in their careers, it makes for a shortage of doctors. as we all know from experience, poor planning leads to poor results, especially in socialistic societies.

I didn't see where this obvious important point was mentioned as a big part of the h.c. problem in the article. usually the whole truth helps the discussion better than just the part where somebody might feel the need to get some more privileges based on biased coverage of the subject?

maybe its just me, but why, when I see a brit guy in shirt/tie talking behind a desk I expect him to be wearing a tight skirt when he stands up? been watching too many brit comedy skits I guess.

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I saw somewhere a satirical criticism of the Three Wise Men--you know, the three kings (or wise men) who allegedly went to visit the newly born Jesus.

It was along the lines of, If the three wise men were the three wise women, they would have asked for directions, arrived on time, and brought practical gifts.

My thought: So why didn't the wise women of the time do this?

I know: it was all due to a patriarchal conspiracy to oppress wise women.

I wonder: what excuse will women use if indeed they gain all the "power"?

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