If There's a Campus Rape Epidemic, Then Why So Many Hoaxes?
Article here. Excerpt:
'"They keep saying, 'well, this story is a hoax, but it shouldn't detract from the epidemic of rape going on on college campuses.' Well, if we're drowning in this epidemic of rape on college campuses, why are all the cases they keep giving us hoaxes? Could they give us a real one? And in fact, what it illustrates is an epidemic of false claims of rape. This nonsense that Obama repeats about one in four or one in five women on college campuses being raped, it's madness," she also argued that people like the president were "minimizing" the horror of rape by using an absurdly broad definition and pointed to what she argued were methodological flaws in campus sexual assault studies.
Coulter then cited studies done at an Air Force base and a town [Source for Midwest town study: Kanin, E. (1994). False rape allegations. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 23, no.1., 81-103.] in the Midwest that she said concluded 47% and 41% of sexual assault/rape claims were false, respectively and told the story of Patrick Witt, who lost a chance at the Rhodes Scholarship and job offers due to a false rape claim.
She concluded, "I mean, we have 2,000 years of Anglo-Saxon law, and now the feminists come in to college campuses and an ex-girlfriend, just out of revenge, can make an accusation against you."'
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