Slate to Breitbart over Lena Dunham Rape Allegations: "Rape Denialism is Like Holocaust Denialism"
Article here. Excerpt:
'Slate writer Amanda Marcott is going after conservative site Breitbart News after they published an investigative piece on Thursday that questioned Lena Denhan’s story of being raped at 19 by a Republican student on her college campus named Barry.
In response to a tweet from Bloomberg Politics' Dave Weigel that linked the story, Marcotte tweeted back, "It's really time for people to understand that rape denialism is like Holocaust denialism: Broad refusal to accept reality."
The Breitbart News claims that their piece does not deny the horrific crime of rape happens, nor does it deny Dunham may have been raped in college. The full statement is as follows:
“Maybe Lena Dunham's rapist is out there, and maybe this man voted for George W. Bush, and maybe this man did indeed hurt two other women.
What we do know is that whatever her motives, rather than cooperate with campus and local authorities (who are taking her charges seriously) to get a brutal man off the street before he hurts another woman, Dunham has apparently decided to instead hurl suspicion at Barry One.”'
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