Rolling Stone quietly "modifies prior apology"
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rolling Stone magazine has quietly changed its botched and much-criticized apology over a damning article documenting an alleged brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia.
In the story by writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely, a junior identified only as 'Jackie' says she was repeatedly assaulted by a group of seven Phi Kappa Psi fraternity members.
But on Friday, Rolling Stone Managing Editor Will Dana apologized in a letter to readers, admitting there were discrepancies in Jackie's account about the incident and saying that the magazine has now 'come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced.'
The magazine came under heavy fire for an apology that was seen as blaming the victim and throwing Jackie under the bus.
Rolling Stone has since quietly changed the three-paragraph note, adding a section saying: 'These mistakes are on Rolling Stone, not on Jackie.'
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False allegations are rampant in society
Did I miss something? Didn't it come out that this alleged "Jackie" lied? Didn't some digging uncover that she (if she was even a real person) was not telling the truth and the events couldn't possibly have happened? WTF? Why is Rolling Stone now apologizing for a liar looking for her 15 minutes? We need more of this. False rape (or sexual assault) allegations are rampant in society and many a man's life has been ruined by them. Society goes out of its way to protect the alleged victim, and instead throws the alleged abuser under the bus. When devastating lies like this are uncovered they need to be exposed and the liar needs to be thrown in jail.
Yes, and even after this
False allegations are a huge problem, but even after this people will still claim they are rare.
Or maybe they won't. I wonder if this incident might cause a shift in the minds of many. Oh, the usual suspects will still claim false allegations are rare and their voices will be loud and heard. But the average person might start thinking differently.
Or so I hope.