NPO: USA Today Reports: States Fail on Shared Parenting Laws

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Parents Organization is encouraging its members and friends to share recent media coverage of National Parents Organization’s inaugural Shared Parenting Report Card. The media attention heightens awareness of the need for child custody reform and supports shared parenting.  Spread the news to as many people as possible!  We need to win in the court of public opinion in order to move us forward on the path toward change in family that has children’s best interests at heart.

National Parents Organization Released its Shared Parenting Report Card on November 13.  The report is the nation’s first study to issue each state a grade, A through F, on the degree to which state statutes support shared parenting. Following the report card’s release, national media, including USA Today, as well as television, radio, print and online media in numerous states, including Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and South Dakota have covered the report and shared parenting.'

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