Woman Maces Man Who Asked her to Turn Off Cell Phone in a Theater

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman in the audience at an American Film Institute (AFI) screening of Mr. Turner at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood responded in an unusual fashion to a man who asked her to turn off her cell phone—she maced him. 
Unaware that the cell phone user was a woman, the man reportedly said, "Excuse me, sir." Ignored, the man repeated his request several times. Finally, fed up, he tapped her arm, whereupon she went ballistic.

An eyewitness reported, "She stands up and starts cursing, saying 'You hit me, you hit me, I'm going to call the police.'" The woman reportedly turned on her flashlight app and directed the light into the man’s face. She followed that by threatening to mace him, and indeed, maced him.
Interviewed by the Hollywood Reporter, the American Film Institute simply stated, “There was an incident, and it has been handled, and everyone is OK."'

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... seem to think the avg. woman shouldn't be treated "like a man". Men don't act like this when you tap them on the shoulder. Though to be fair, 'crazy' is an EOE.

What is notable is the response from the theater and also, I presume, law enforcement. Switch the genders; you know the results.

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