SAVE: Bureaucrats in the Bedroom: Most Say 'No' to Government Mandates for Consent to Sex

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / November 12, 2014 – A national opinion poll has revealed the vast majority of persons are opposed to laws that seek to mandate how persons give consent to sexual relations. When asked whether the government should have the “authority to determine how partners give their consent to sex,” 85% of respondents answered ‘No.’

In late September, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a controversial Affirmative Consent bill requiring that all California college students give their ongoing “affirmative, conscious, and voluntary” consent during the course of having sex. Similar laws are being considered in other states.

The survey was conducted October 27 – 28. Over 600 persons participated in the telephone poll. The respondents consisted of 55.6% males and 44.4% females. Detailed findings can be viewed here:

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"In late September, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a controversial Affirmative Consent bill requiring that all California college students give their ongoing “affirmative, conscious, and voluntary” consent during the course of having sex."

And at what time intervals is this to be done? Does "ongoing" mean repeated continually like a chant? Every second? Every five seconds? Every ten seconds? Duh!!! Must both the man and the woman give "ongoing" consent? How stupid can one law be?

P.S. This bill came out of California's super majority control of the government in Sacramento.

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