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Our boys are now at greater risk than girls
Article here. Excrrpt:
'Let's say he is an average little boy from a working- or middle-class family. What are hischances of living out his God-given potential? Not as good as Charlotte's, even if she had been born in his humble circumstances. For in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, our boys are now at greater risk than our girls.
A national proposal to establish a White House Council on Boys and Men, headed by Warren Farrell, Ph.D., author of the book, "The Myth of Male Power," documents the following factors as a few of the challenges that set up our boys for failure:
• Education: This is the first generation of boys in U.S. history who will have less education than their dads. ...
• Fatherlessness: A third of boys are raised in fatherless homes. ...
• Emotional health: Depression remains hidden in boys because of the male taboo against the showing of feelings. ...'
None of this is to say that men at the top levels of society don't still rule. "The myth of male power" co-exists with the fact that in many corporations, politics and in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math, barriers to females remain. We must constantly strive to break these barriers down as we strive to lift boys up. This is not an either/or dilemma.
Early in his first term, President Obama established a well-funded Council on Women and Girls to coordinate and build on already existing but scattered programs serving either or both. It was a brilliant idea, and well-activated.
Here's hoping the next president will establish the same kind of commission for our boys and our men. Their programs are scattered and sometimes non-existent. Please recognize that it is our young males who are now at most risk.'
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feminist enguneerin'
'it was a brilliant idea, and well-activated'.
brilliant (Webster): 4. having or showing keen intelligence, great talent or skill.
when striving to design something exceptional, or maybe even brilliant, one must try to look ahead to the possible effects downstream. I seriously doubt this clown parade had anything more in mind than more free stuff for their supporters.
granted, it provided the funding (from taxpayers), internal backing (from feminists) and machinery (from progressive polit's) to achieve its stated goal. however, if it had been truly 'brilliant', it would have had safeguards built into it to avoid going too far in one direction, and thus doing harm by forcing itself where it should have been seeking to merge to the advantage of all.
iow, just more social enguneein' from our favorite affirmative action recipients.
Thanks, Mastodon
I saw this article as well and was about to post it but you beat me to it.
Just a note: Dottie Lamm is both a liberal and a feminist. For her to recognize the problems boys face is, well, a reason for hope. If she recognizes these problems, other feminists might.
But I'll bet the farm that other feminists will come out and say that boys need no help. It's all about the feminist notion of equality: help girls and women, not boys and men.