Lesson For Bros Who Want To Promote Affirmative Consent: Don't Make T-Shirts

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male-led campaign to promote affirmative consent for sex at DePaul University – which is nominally Catholic but runs a “Queer Peers” mentorship program - has thrown in the towel.

Or rather, the T-shirt.

Selling shirts emblazoned with “Consent the D” – a play on the school’s basketball slogan “Fear the D” (the Demons mascot) that was widely interpreted as “dick” – came off as “flippant” to campus feminists, who didn’t take kindly to an alternative approach to their signature issue, Jezebel says:

“Unfortunately, the ‘Consent the D’ movement was cut short by forces outside of my control,” founder Randy Vollrath said in a video message posted Tuesday. “T-shirt production has been halted while we work to address the issue.”
The paper cites Adina Babaian, a member of the campus chapter of Feminist Front, who speculates that the shirts ran into trouble because of trademark issues with the school. She accuses Vollrath of insensitivity:
Word to bros: Don’t pretend to be a leader in the affirmative consent movement. Like sex itself, your intentions could be wildly misinterpreted.'

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Listen up, O thou male feminist: You are "the enemy," as far as female feminists are concerned. It isn't possible for them to accept you as a "true feminist" because you're male. At best they consider you useful idiots. Nothing you can do with or for them will be acceptable. You are never away from close scrutiny and judgment; i.e., they view you the same way they view all males. Should you ever do anything that appears to lap them in their efforts, you'll be swatted down and castigated. That is because feminism is a cause of, by, and *for* women. Equality has nothing to do with it. A male in the movement with a higher profile than local female leaders is considered an interloper, undercutting the "progress" of things.

An apt analogy: You're the cheerleaders for the team. The team isn't interested in your advice about playing the game and certainly has no interest in seeing the cheering squad become "bigger" than the team itself. After all, that's not why the team hired the cheering squad, right? Only in this case, you male feminists not only weren't ever hired, you're also not even getting paid!

There are better ways you can spend your time, guys. Much better.

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