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How Judges of Campus Sex Offenses are 'Trained'
Article here. Excerpt:
'I’ve written frequently about the unfair, guilt-presuming processes that colleges and universities from Harvard to Occidental use when deciding sexual assault cases. But a second trend has occurred largely outside the public eye. As they have “reformed” their sexual assault procedures, colleges and universities also have increasingly instituted training programs for members of these disciplinary panels—a practice not used for panelists that hear other forms of campus discipline. Because virtually no training material has been made public, it’s impossible to determine how many schools specifically train sexual assault panels. But the demand is a consistent one among anti-due process advocates.
It seems plausible to infer that these “training” materials increase the likelihood that panelists will come back with guilty findings, but for the most part, it must remain an inference: to the best of my knowledge, no university has publicly posted its training materials. One school’s—Stanford’s—was obtained by FIRE, and contained such astonishing guidance as an accused student acting “persuasive and logical” could be interpreted as a sign of guilt. Portions of a second school’s—Duke’s—appeared as a result of the McLeod litigation, and did nothing to reassure concerns about unfairness.'
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"One school’s—Stanford’s—was obtained by FIRE, and contained such astonishing guidance as an accused student acting “persuasive and logical” could be interpreted as a sign of guilt. "
"One school’s—Stanford’s—was obtained by FIRE, and contained such astonishing guidance as an accused student acting “LIKE A MAN” could be interpreted as a sign of guilt.
I wonder why they bother
The stated goal of campus feminists is, among other things, the elimination of men on campuses and in classes (i.e., the removal of males from higher ed, unless perhaps it be at men-only colleges or via on-line "classrooms") since to them, males are inherently dangerous creatures for women to be anywhere near. To a feminist, even gay men are dangerous to women since they may not actually be gay but say they are. So no woman can be sure she won't be raped as long as men are anywhere around, regardless of what particular men say about themselves or what others may say about them. Besides, b/c a man is gay doesn't mean raping a woman is out of the question for him, since being male entails being violent, oppressive, patriarchal, etc., toward women, regardless of said man's sexuality.
The standards for campus policies around assessing men accused of a sex-related offense vs. women have been conceived of and propagated by feminists. Nymphotropic/misandrist/chivalrous male and female college staff/mgt. are either afraid not to get on board due to feminist threats or b/c they really do think men accused of a sex-related offense are presumably guilty until shown unequivocally to be innocent -- assuming they believe men ought to be allowed even to defend themselves vs. accusations of that kind.
Knowing this, and knowing that to feminists, maleness entails dangerousness to females which thus justifies their removal or subjugation by whatever means are effective, the reason for such patently anti-male "rules" is not only believable, but to be expected. Until the feminist stranglehold on higher ed is removed, we can readily expect not just more of the same, but for things to get more outrageous.
If someone started a REIT for men's colleges, I'd start investing in it.
More Witch-Hunting-Males
It's just another page out of the gender-feminist, encyclopaedic playbook called Witch-Hunting Males
Witch-Hunting is correct
College administrators or whoever is trained to "adjudicate" these issues know the most salient fact is the following: Fed money is more likely to flow if the verdict is "guilty." Guilty verdicts will likely not be investigated, but innocent verdicts will be. A guilty verdict shows the school is being "tough" on sexual assault. An innocent verdict shows they're being too lenient.
I recently watched one of those "dystopian" science fiction movies where human life has devolved into mere survival. It wasn't specifically about men, but I thought as I watched that in many ways men are already living in a dystopia. Kafkaesque trials for college men are evidence of a dystopic present--all to create a "utopia" for women.