Sex-Shaming: The Feminist Weapon of Choice to Silence Dissenters on Affirmative Consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Any delusion I might have harbored that a world where women have a bigger voice than Rush Limbaugh's would be less ugly was shattered this week. In responding to my column about the idiocy of California’s new affirmative consent law, feministas at Jezebel and Wonkette demonstrated one thing loud and clear: When it comes to talking about issues concerning their lady parts, they turn into bigger dicks than Limbaugh. These ladies ejaculated expletives such as "fuck" on their screens several times, speculated about my personal sex life, and called me names—all of which one would have chalked up to girls having fun if they'd actually managed to sneak in an argument or two.

But they didn’t.'

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