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‘Affirmative Consent’ blurs the lines between consensual sex and sexual assault on campus
Article here. Excerpt:
'When it came to educating young people about respecting personal boundaries, the rules were very simple and generally easy to understand: no means no. This was particularly true when it came to teaching young men that when things were getting ‘hot and heavy’ with someone they were making out with that if the woman at any point said ‘no’ it was time to back off (and perhaps should take a cold shower once he got home). For as long as I can remember, society was ‘teaching men not to rape’ to coin a phrase.
So what can we extrapolate from this case as the current state of consent? Are we now at place where John Does are fully responsible for his conduct while Jane Does have no responsibility whatsoever for her conduct? Whatever happened to the notion of equality the progressive feminists claim they want? This notion is both insulting and it infantilizes women.
And yes, I get it - I hope all young men get it, that if a woman is wearing skimpy clothing (or no clothing for that matter), is incapacitated, or unconscious she is not ‘asking for it.’ But to suggest that encouraging women to drink responsibly (if they choose to drink), should learn self defense (as Ms. Nevada did and got lampooned for it), or should carry a gun (nothing says ‘I don’t consent’ like a 9mm in the face) in no way supports the ‘rape culture’!
We are told ad nauseum by progressive feminists that we should ‘teach men not to rape’ instead. The truth is that we have been teaching men not to rape at least for a few generations now and most of us do not rape. There are still men (and women!) who do for whatever reason. Perhaps its for the same reason some people steal and murder; I doubt its a lack of education (and yet we still tell people to lock their doors and/or install alarms on our homes but no one suggests we are supporting the ‘theft culture’).
For those of you who have young men who are college-aged or soon will be, its up to you to educate them on this subject, however uncomfortable. This affirmative consent standard and these college kangaroo courts seem to be the reality for the time being. As we try to roll back these policies it’s important for young men to know what they are getting into in the current system. If there are any policies young men should take seriously, its knowing the ‘rules of engagement’ before even thinking about hooking up.
As for the attractive coed pursuing a womyn’s studies major? She’s not worth the trouble.'
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Not trouble, risk
"As for the attractive coed pursuing a womyn’s studies major? She’s not worth the trouble."
First, dating a WST major's never worth the *grief*, at least if you're male and she's actually a feminist and not majoring in it for some other reason (though I can't imagine a non-feminist being able to sit through feminist lecturers day in and day out without barfing half the time).
Also, it's closer to the truth to say under the new "rules", college men shouldn't date, try to hook up with, or allow to be hooked up with (should the young woman approach him first) by anyone who goes to their college. All contact ought to be off-campus and in fact, that he's even a coll. student ought to be kept to himself. Date/bed townies only. In fact, anything like dating rel'ps ought at this point be avoided entirely, just to be safe.
Sorry I have to give such advice and wish I could give diff. advice, but I can't. Just ain't worth the risk. Also, college-bound men should seriously consider going to a men's coll. instead of a co-ed school. Much safer and then you can also actually date a townie w/out concern she'll find out you're in college and decide for one day to report you to your school for some ludicrous, made-up false reason that'll get you booted. All it takes is a complaint -- that's all -- and you're guilty as charged and booted from college. Good luck paying those loans you're still stuck with, along w/ finding a decent job w/o a coll. degree.