Embrace the Men’s Rights Movement

Letter here. Excerpt:

'This is a response to Annie Kuster’s viewpoint Oct. 9 viewpoint, “A personal invitation to embrace feminism.”

I remember first hearing about Emma Watson’s UN address, initially thinking to myself this was probably just another popularity boost for the feminist movement. ...
There I found the HeForShe Commitment, which reinforced my initial speculation and the overarching reason for the men’s rights movement: Feminism is not interested in men’s problems.

The HeForShe Commitment states, “Gender equality is not only a women’s issue, it is a human rights issue that requires my participation. I commit to take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls.” Although Watson has spoken about how men have gender issues and their issues should be recognized, the HeForShe campaign fails to include this in its pledge. Feminism is not interested in the problems men face in today’s society, and thus I refuse to support a movement that claims to promote gender equality but in actuality is concerned with the elevation of women at the expense of men.
Feminism claims to be a movement rooted in the idea of equal rights for men and women. Women say they don’t understand why more men aren’t feminists or why feminism is often viewed as an anti-man campaign. Well ladies, this is why.'

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