Feminist Lies about Sexual Assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s really only one thing that progressives get wrong: human nature. This leads them into error on economics, where they imagine they can micromanage billions of individual decisions every day; foreign policy, in which they overestimate the appeal of “talks” and underestimate the ferocity and opportunism of aggressors; and sex, in which, well, where to begin?

California proposes to stop campus rape and sexual assault with a law redefining consent. Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation last week specifying that verbal consent must precede all sexual activity. Further, consent cannot be given if someone is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol.'

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Why do feminists intentionally exaggerate or lie about the number of sexual assaults on campus?

Because it benefits feminists to do so. Feminism is a victim ideology: it needs victims to prosper. The more victims it has, the more it succeeds. That's one reason feminist discourage giving women common sense advice on how to avoid rape.

Exaggerating the numbers means funding for the feminists (who are otherwise becoming irrelevant) is continued or increased. And it means a few feminists can secure fat jobs at universities eager to meet DOE standards. And it means the due process rights of men are undermined.

But be careful what you wish for. You might get it. Undermining the due process rights of men will eventually lead to undermining the due process rights of women. Feminists believe what they do to men will not be done to them. Often, they're right--but not always. Undermining the due process rights for anyone means undermining the due process rights for everyone.

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"Further, consent cannot be given if someone is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol."

I can't wait until the female students who think that drunken regrets is the same thing as being sexually battered get accused of the same. It's karma for endlessly trying to justify a double standard regarding female vis-a-vis male consent when alcohol has been consumed.

While were on the topic, I've noticed that in movies and on TV women usually initiate sex without getting verbal consent (kissing, one thing leads to another, etc.). I guess this is all glorification of rape. At least fembots would have us believe this.

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I noticed that Obama hugged a female voter on TV without obtaining her explicit consent. Right there in front of God and everybody.

I guess this is what they mean by "rape culture." I mean, if the President thinks he can get away with that, what does that say about the rest of us males?

I think one of the best things college men can do is start accusing more women of sexual assault. If a few women are hoist on their own petard, they may want a different petard.

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'men need to claim more sexual assault to force a change'.

never happen. men are taught to 'be a man', suck it up', 'take one for the team', man up', and on and on. it takes a victim (pure princess) mentality to abuse the law and expect to profit from it. when you know the game is rigged in your favor, making claims for profit, or whatever reason, just comes so much easier. no punishment means it really cost$ nothing (small fine if caught) for princesses to set themselves up to get piles-o-cash from some poor saps they target in civil (extortion) suits. happens every day.

remember, the u.s. courts are rigged toward women getting whatever they want w/o feeling the sting of any serious punishment for their heinous misdeeds.

old style westerns sometimes say it best; 'theese caaarrds are marrked'; followed by a reckoning (gunfight) to put frontier justice in play. today, in these corrupt courts, honor is unknown and justice has no home.

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