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"Men Should Pay on First Dates and That Does Not Undermine Feminism"
Article here. Excerpt:
'If there is a singular conversation starter about gender and money it is this:
Who pays on the first date?
As women make huge huge gains in family medical leave and gaining seats on corporate boards and in Congress, dating expectations barely budge. The status quo is that men pay on first dates. Last week NerdWallet released the results of a survey that found 77 percent of straight people believe men should pay on first dates — a sentiment held by 82 percent of men and 72 percent of women. I am one of those women. I have no financial reason not to pay for my own $29 grilled farm-raised salmon on a first outing with a man. But I really, really prefer if he cooly assumes the bill and slips the server his Visa.
It’s not about snagging a rich husband or a free meal.
It’s about sex.
Critics argue that the assumption that men will pay for a first date is now obsolete since women earn nearly as much as men. Further, it’s also a detriment to feminism, they claim, since it sets a precedent that the woman will forever be financially subordinate to the man in that relationship.
This is not the case. In the same 30 year-period that we have held fast to traditional habits about first-date paying, we have also enjoyed enormous gains in gender equality.
Now, allow me to remind you I am talking about the theatric ritual of first dates. Long-term, neither gender can afford to expect men to take full financial responsibility — and we don’t.'
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she's a walking stereotype
Need I even elaborate?
the change is coming...
One reason I am not too upset about the California "affirmative sex policy" (or whatever that lunacy is called), is how everything is about to change.
Men are figuring out that they must record the agreement to have sex. Men will be advised to ask the woman to sign an agreement. This is happening now: liberal hot beds at universities (women's center directors themselves) are practially advising men to do this.
Just think what that implies. Men will soon see many women signing up for sex. The implications are astounding.
Men now are 40% of a college campus. Take away the gays and lesbians (I have no issue with them at all), and there are 2 women for every one man.
I have a colleague (who is actually the Chair of a Women's Studies Department) and she says in some departments there are SEVEN women to ONE man. And the women are in hot pursuit even during the class time.
And the men, if wise, will make women sign agreements for sex, kissing, dating.
And one step away: women will start doing the asking and the paying for the dates.
The tables are poised for a huge revolution.
(Yes, many men will get caught up in this and likely punished with false rape accusations. I feel very bad for them. But in time, they will figure it out.)
We are on the cusp of a great change.
And what the author of this ridiculous article sees, perhaps even subconscious to her own mind, is her sheer desparation and fear on a pending revolution.
It is going to be fun to sit back.
I'll say it again: a colleague in the Women's Studies Department is shocked at how her own female students are desparate for men. Men will soon figure it out.
Oh, to be 21 again.
(And just for the record: men will soon figure out that if their woman touches the penis without asking for permission: it is rape. Brace yourself for the earthquake that is coming. Sometimes you have to wonder if the people who pushed this California law are MRAs)
and one more thing
Women are dominating law, M.D. degrees, real estate and publishing
And all of those are poised for cleaning.
Robots and computers will take over those jobs faster than robots at the loading dock.
MD? Soon nurses will prescribe medicine, but men still dominate surgery.
Law? Lawyers will, in many cases, lose out to arbitration and law books on computers (where you no longer need the library)
Publishing? hosed
And where are the men?
At the top: engineers, surgeons, etc.
At the bottom: loading docks, miners, construction workers. And those soldiers: with their pension for life.
Women will "lean in" to paper pushing and depression.
Men will lean out to high tech and muscle work. And high salaries.
The change is on the way