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"He-cession" frustrating women's marital ambitions, exacerbates already-low repro rate
Article here. Excerpt:
'More Americans than ever are staying single. According to a new Pew Research Center survey, a record one in five Americans over 25 are in the "never-married" category.
There are a whole bunch of reasons for this. One is that people just don't want to get married as much as they used to — as of 2010, 61 percent of never-married Americans said they wanted to get married. Today, it's only 53 percent.
But the labor market also is a big hurdle here — more specifically, women's pesky expectation that their husbands participate in it.
Yes, the playing field is even for all unmarried people, with 97 men for every 100 women, but only 65 of those men are working. For young never-marrieds, it's also looking historically grim. Among never-married people age 25 to 34, there are 126 men for every never-married woman, but only 91 of those men are working. Back in 1960, there were 139 working, never-married men for all 100 never-married women.
And this dearth varies hugely by race, at least among young people. For every 100 young black women, there are only 51 employed young black men.
... But one area where this decline of marriage matters is in childbearing. Children from married families do better at school than children who grow up in other arrangements, as I wrote last week, and broadly speaking, marriages on the whole tend to be more stable than cohabiting relationships. Stable families simply create more social mobility.'
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I'd much rather see a low repro rate...
... because ppl realize the planet needs a break from mobs of humans running loose, sucking up all the resources and slaughtering wholesale anything not human until there's nothing left but some burned-out iPads and so forth. (Not even a roll of toilet paper left, since all the trees will have been wiped out years ago... and who wants to live w/out toilet paper?)
So yeah, let's get the damn pop'n down. But if the reason is that men can't find jobs, or if they can but it's so legally hazardous for them to do so they don't, well, that's not good... for two reasons. First, it shows men are getting f*cked twicely, once in terms of jobs and twice in terms of parental rights. And second, should the foregoing change, what'll happen? The babies'll start arriving again in force. Next stop: 8 billion, then fast on to ten billion, then... ugh.
But at least some progress on pop'n reduction is still progress.
Cheer up
The low reproduction rate among Western nations will be more than made up for by low-tech nations, which will lead to a MUCH larger and lower tech population. Quite likely it will be a population with strong inhibitions against personal freedom, technology, freedom of information, etc. You know, that effete Western culture stuff our Feminists and Progressives love to hate.
Which brings up an interesting point - as far as I know, the most effective population limiting mechanism appears to be living in a high-tech culture with a good deal of personal freedom. So if you want to prevent a high population, the most effective method seems to be to disseminate a high-tech, preferably Western Enlightenment style culture. Fortunately, we don't appear to be doing anything of the sort. That would be Cultural Imperialism.
The fact remains, women want to marry up, and men don't seem to see a risk/reward ratio that is very advantageous to marriage. Few high-earning men, and those who are may find it better to avoid marriage to a Feminist-trained woman in any case. So it looks as if Feminism and Marxism will finally be killing the family about the time that same-sex marriage becomes normal.